Strength and conditioning
Individual services
Strength and conditioning is a comprehensive exercise regimen aimed at enhancing physical performance and overall athletic capabilities, as well as useful in injury rehabilitation. This discipline includes strength training, which focuses on building muscular power and endurance through methods like weightlifting and resistance exercises. S&C also incorporates conditioning which focuses on working the aerobic and anaerobic systems which can have other benefits such as improving the cardiovascular system and reducing muscular fatigue when training for your discipline.
S&C allows a person to go from injury rehab to performance, guided by a coach who will aim to progress you in your training each block. Blocks are 4-6 weeks of training with a specific and achievable goal. S&C includes a program which is catered to the individuals requirements and needs, and is updated frequently by their practitioner. In the consultations, our coaches will supervise you on the gym floor providing technique cues, advice and education to help improve your performance.
A typical S&C session will look like:
- History, injury examination, goal setting
- Quick assessment of some general movements which will include a movement and baseline strength assessment
- Gym based movements
- Plan write up at the end
You can then maintain this program, with progress with your coach week on week, or take it away and get updates frequently.
Clinical Strength and conditioning classes
We run multiple classes over the week both in the mornings and afternoons:
- We provide a safe environment for group exercise
- Programs are personalised written by practitioners for your individual needs
- Group classes have a maximum of 4 participants
- All group classes are supervised by a allied health professional’
If you are interested in 1 on 1 strength and conditioning, or training in one of our classes please call 9826 2122

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One body, keep moving for life.